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man in suit with a beard

Demystifying Digital Transformation

Dan Cooper - the founder of Lolly.Co, knows that digital transformation is imperative for business as the world becomes increasingly digital. What's not clear to many people including business leaders is what digital transformation actually is. Author of the forthcoming book titled 'Upgrade'…

Bitcoin man

The Crypto Super Cycle

By Matteo Pecar, our resident Bitcoin supremo. When referring to a crypto “mega” or “super” cycle, we are talking about a price expansion of the whole cryptocurrency market that would make the previous bull runs look like a tiny rise.…


Future in disinfection is now HEALTH-GATE

Advert. We would like to present you our product "Health Gate" cabin, designed to provide fast and effective disinfection in a public areas like shopping malls, airports, factories, banks, hospitals, etc. In a current situation in the world this product…

american man

The American Dream

Living the American dream is the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved. Michael B Levy is living this Dream.  A business graduate, President of KPS Distribution…