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R & D specialists lead to way to integrating fans back into sports grounds and stadiums

As government restrictions lift, a businessman who has developed the first Covid-Safe office space in Glasgow is planning to help football clubs and sports facilities safely reopen.

Stephen McCallion, CEO of ZLX, leaders in government backed research and development tax credits claims who assist the sports and stadia sector reclaim large sums of money for investing in innovation, has teamed up with technology experts and scientists to create an office fit for the post-pandemic world.

McCallion’s 5,600 sq. foot of office space in Tradeston by the River Clyde, has been installed with best-in-class technology to eliminate viral pathogens and reduce the threat of contact transmission of the coronavirus. He is now making available this technology to football clubs, sports centres and gyms.

McCallion’s team of experts and scientists have put a number of innovative protections in place, these include an air handling system which changes the air constantly using fresh outside air filtered with UV light and fed evenly throughout the offices. He has also installed infra-Red heating, which works like the sun and only heats people and not air, and further reduces air movement, unlike traditional radiators which work by heating the air to rise and fall.

New nano technologies designed to close the ‘hygiene gap’ which experts warn can enable pathogens to survive on all surfaces including computer screens and mobile phones, provide long term, protection to all touch areas, while the latest reception software that logs visitors and staff in and out has been installed and is also set up to take vaccine passports if they appear.

All meeting areas, video conferencing and social areas have no-touch sanitisers while staff and guests will be offered self-sterilising antimicrobial face masks designed to be worn comfortably for long periods along with rapid testing.

In addition to this, a one-way system and doors that don’t hang opposite each other, make it easy for staff to stay safe.

The precautions being taken to open the new ZLX safe office space have caught the interest of several football and sports clubs because of their suitability for stadia where ensuring maximum safety for spectators is of paramount importance.

With the gradual lifting of restrictions on organised outdoor sport and physical activity for adults and children, the focus is now on the successful and sustained re-opening of gyms, leisure centres and indoor swimming, as well as the phased return of fans to professional sport.

With the news of vaccine passports being a strong possibility for stadium events also, McCallion’s technology could be extremely useful.

He says: “ZLX is now assisting the path to integrating fans and spectators safely back into sports and stadiums.

“Whilst ZLX helps businesses reclaim cash through successful research and development claims, this initiative – the establishment of Covid-safe public places, is a template for how to safely reopen.

“It is an example of the way things have had to change. Innovation and technology is now driving solutions to living with Covid 19.

“The sports sector is eligible for R&D claims that will help them invest in pandemic fuelled ideas and developments.”

For further information please contact 

Image: KBAPR.


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