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The House of Veuve Clicquot Champagne with access only images from ExclusiveGP

Our friends at ExclusiveGP, Concierge Travel and Hospitality Specialists recently visited the House of Veuve Clicquot as part of their Sunseeker Supercar Tour and have allowed us exclusive access to their amazing images taken on the tour, a full report of which will be coming soon to Luxury News Online. As a taster, here are just some of the images taken at the House of Veuve Clicquot and the history behind this iconic brand.


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The history behind Veuve Clicquot:

One of the established legends of Champagne, Veuve Clicquot has played a central role since the 19th century in marketing Champagne as the only drink of choice for celebrations and special occasions. This now giant house had a humble beginning and was founded in 1772 by the wealthy merchant Philippe Clicquot-Muiron.


His son inherited the small production and married Barbe-Nicole Ponsardin in 1798, although he unfortunately would not live to see the house attain great heights as he died in 1805. Now in complete control, his widow (Veuve in French) set about reducing the family’s interest in their banking and textile empires and instead focusing almost entirely on Champagne production.




With her charisma and single-minded determination, Madame Clicquot is credited with establishing the brand throughout the royal courts of Europe. During the Napoleonic wars in the 19th century, Veuve Clicquot cemented itself as the premium choice of Champagne, most notably in the Royal Court of Russia. Madame Clicquot can also claim responsibility for making the mass production of Champagne.





Madame Clicquot’s death in 1866 was a great loss to the house, by this time it was a substantial operation and respected brand. The house remained in family control until 1987 when it was acquired into the LVMH group of luxury brands. Thankfully corporate ownership has not damaged the quality of the wines, especially the famous cuvee prestige, La Grande Dame. One of Champagne’s greatest wines, it astonishes all who taste it with incredible complexity, depth and power.




Veuve Clicquot is a spectacular house to visit, with its grand architecture and legacy in Champagne; a truly unforgettable foray into the area.

Thank you to ExclusiveGP

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