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Award-winning Harley Street Skin has announced a revolutionary new approach to ageing that sits at the cutting edge of medical research.

The innovative Turn Back Time programme is being pioneered by Harley Street Skin’s co-founder Dr Aamer Khan who believes that it is possible to slow down and reverse the ageing process.

By targeting our underlying biochemistry via a critical precision testing service Turn Back Time measures factors which directly influence the rate of ageing. This enables Dr Khan and his medical team to provide bespoke health plans for clients that will optimise their well-being and life span.

Harley Street Skin Clinic

“In the past, scientists believed that the body was a biological clock, the symptoms of ageing appearing and accelerating with each passing decade. However, we now know that our biological clocks can keep on ticking for as long as 120 years. Now each of us has the power to shape how we grow old.” comments Dr Khan, author of the best-selling book Turn Back Time, which challenges the received wisdom around ageing and longevity.

The Turn Back Time programme includes the following components:
• A personal health assessment and lifestyle analysis
• A DNA test to assess the individual’s genetic blueprint and evaluate any inherited tendencies to illness.
• Core blood profiling linking DNA to blood results to analyse any current health issues
• Microbiome analysis to test the individual’s gut health
• Skin analysis for the face and body

Lesley Reynolds

These collectively determine a bespoke treatment plan for the individual to optimise their inner health and longevity. This also includes a nutrition plan, full fitness programme and counselling and support.

Dr Khan adds: “Whilst our external appearance influences how old we appear – what happens on the inside determines how we age. Looking younger for longer is about feeling well and this delicate balance is dependent upon maintaining a healthy microbiome, our DNA and most importantly – the lifestyle choices we make.

“The microbiome is defined as the collective genomes of the microbes (composed of bacteria, bacteriophage, fungi, protozoa and viruses) that live inside and on the human body. We each have about 10 times as many microbial cells as human cells, and this mass, equivalent in weight and size to a football (about 2kg) – exerts a direct influence on obesity levels, appetite, production of gases, efficiency of food absorption and the immune system.

“It also impacts on both mood and cognitive function via the vagus nerve – the information super-highway that runs from our brain to the gut. A depleted microbiome will be reflected in declining health, particularly as appetites can narrow in later life with a subsequent loss of protein intake and absorption efficiency.”

Co-founder of Harley Street Skin, Lesley Reynolds adds: “Growing older in good health has never been more achievable. The Turn Back Time Programme offers a bespoke anti-ageing plan to re-activate our genetic profile and so promote longevity. There is no minimum or maximum age, we can help everybody whilst also providing access to very latest non invasive treatments and surgical cosmetic procedures for that final fillip!”

For a consultation or more details about your bespoke Anti-Ageing Programme call 0207 436 4441 or visit

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