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Dara Voit is a woman of ambition, so much so she is planning her own couture label, in fact she designed and made the beautiful dress she wears in her photograph. Starting a clothing line is a brave decision, and a couture label even more so, but that is the mark of ambition, and of being an entrepreneur. We talk further with Dara from the island of Madeira. 

Couture is a French word that means‚ sewing‘ or‚ dressmaking.‘ The phrase haute couture translates as‚ high sewing‘ or ‚high dressmaking‘ and is synonymous with high fashion and couture is often custom-made for the people who will wear it, typically models and wealthy clients or those aspirational among us who just appreciate craftsmanship and talent. 

One such couture label in the making is Dara Voit Couture. Dara, originally  from Minsk, lives on the beautiful island of Madeira, and both countries reflect in Dara’s personality and dress-making. We spoke to Dara recently and she gave us more insights into her motivations and her new label. 

‘…Dara, originally  from Minsk, lives on the beautiful island of Madeira, and both countries reflect in Dara’s personality and dress-making.’

My name is Dara and i‘m convinced that I am launching my collection at a time when the world needs more beautiful things, and for a woman to feel feminine. I am a woman of ambition and determination, and firmly believe I have been put on this earth to shine at my best.  I feel this is my mission and I am pleased to bring warmth and light to the world in my own small way. Right now I am working hard to create my own clothing brand. There has been long nights and days preparing designs for my collection, and the ethos behind the brand. I have already produced the first samples and a year ago, had consulted the JWP Group to begin presenting my designs to the world, but then alas, the worldwide pandemic struck. However this has given me more time to work on my ideas and my collection. 

I have also used this downtime to self-educate in the field of metaphysics, brand visualization and of course fashion design. Keeping the brain active is hugely important, especially when you are spending much of your time in isolation. I love creating beauty, finding it and revealing it in a woman, teaching her to feel personality and to be unique, and empowering individuals to learn without having a special gift or talent, but giving the self-belief within them that they can achieve anything in life, and also wear beautiful clothes.  When this energy passes through you into the world you are at your most creative.  All of the most creative and famous designers have these qualities and have a special energy. Through my designs and dress making I want a woman to acquire her strength and power so that she can be the best that she can be, feel at her best, her most feminine, empowering her with the individuality and confidence for success. 

Follow Dara @daravoit_

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