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Interview with Elisa Caterina Egger

Mostra del Cinema di Venezia 2020

The thought of what I’ll do in the future is constantly in my mind, at the moment I’m still trying to figure out how to turn my passions, fashion and art, into my future career.

I was introduced to the world of fashion very early in my life, first from my mother as she was working hard for giving me a brilliant future, and then 15 years later, my older brother followed her same steps in achieving his dreams.

And now I’m here at seventeen, just following my heart and I’ve already walked on the red carpet at the Film Festival in Venice, with my other half, Cosimo.

Our love story is very unique and of course romantic; in poor words, we met on Instagram during quarantine, he was staying in London while I was staying in Lake Como.

As soon as the quarantine was over he flew to Italy and we met the day before my birthday; we never separated since, and I can define him as my life’s gift.

I was asking myself today what is keeping me from believing where I’ll arrive and if I’ll arrive, and then I said: my family. Without them I couldn’t go anywhere starting with my mother, who motivates me every day to follow my dream and my heart, my father for leaving me the freedom to choose the life I’d like to have, my brother who, although he does not really support me since we haven’t spoken in a while, but who I respect a lot for inspiring me every day to improve myself, and last but not least, my fiancee who since the day we met never stopped believing in me and loving me for the person I am.


Interview credits:

Cristina Vittoria Egger & Marta Buso

Dress designer Eleonora Lastrucci, Ca Sagredo Italy. 


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