Lee Whyberd, also known as The Celebrity Reader, is a psychic, medium and healer and founder of Lee Wellness in Dubai Energy Healing Center Dubai | Corporate Wellness Center Dubai (leewellness.ae). He is a highly sought-after celebrity psychic with an impressive clientele including royal families and celebrities. He spoke to Luxury News Online to give us an insight into his profession and answer our questions about the occult.
How did you become a psychic and a medium?
- I was fortunate to be born with a gift, but I have had to work hard to develop it. I’ve spent many years in a private spiritual circle that helped me to enhance my capabilities of being a psychic and a medium. And, I am still learning every day.
Can you recall your first psychic experience?
- I was brought up with a spiritual family so I acknowledged spirits from the age of 4. I’ve never been frightened of seeing spirits from the spirit world.
When I was 13, I laid in my bed and my whole room turned into the most vivid colour blue and I had seen my first guardian angel. That was a Welsh ruid.
Can you learn or train to become a medium?
- I think that it is only if you have the gift in the first place that you can then develop the spirituality within you. It takes a great deal of hard work to develop the gift. I teach and develop people on a weekly basis. But it does take hard work, dedication and trust in oneself.
Tell me about the kinds of people who come to you for readings.
- We have versatile clientele from around the world. I work with 232 nationalities worldwide. I work with celebrities, corporate business owners, and some of the most powerful people in the world. We are all looking for answers in different ways; some for work or because of bereavement, love life, pregnancy or business opportunities.
What is the percentage of women to men?
- 60% are women and 40% are men. In the last 2 years, men are reaching out more now than ever before for readings and healing.

Why do you think that is?
- People believe and trust in it and because my reputation is ever increasing.
Do men and women’s questions differ?
- Women become more passionate with time scale and details. Men always want to know how things are going to work out on finances.
Do most people want to know about their dead loved ones or their future loved ones?
- They do ask about their dead loved ones, they do ask about their spirit loved ones, because being with a medium is their top priority. But they do also ask about their loved ones on earth. It varies in time scale, some like to come every 6 months, some like to come every 3.
Is there anything you would not reveal?
- There is always a way to deliver a message. As long as I do it with responsibility and moderation, I reveal everything. They come to me for the truth. Forewarned is forearmed to prevent bad things occurring.
What should people do to get the most out of a reading?
- Some people come in and think by blocking and not talking. They think they can put you on a test. But if they open up a little, they get a lot more coming through from the spiritual world.
What are the most frequent questions you are asked?
- It varies, some people would just want to listen to the loved ones that have passed away. Some people ask about love, work, friendship, promotion and life purpose.

Can you explain what each discipline is?
- Mediumship is about connecting to the other side. Psychic is about the present and future. Clairvoyancy is about going to somebody’s house in my mind, looking around and explaining what the house looks like. People think all 3 are psychic, but this is not so as each one has a different meaning.
What do you experience when you give psychic reading?
- I have the five (5) senses, I feel, see, taste, smell and hear. Each sense comes with a different approach. For instance, the spirit will want me to know how they smell. They also put pains in my body to let me know how they passed away. Spirit cannot write you a text, so sometimes, they show you different signs that only a medium will understand.
What has been your most fulfilling reading?
- I try to give the best to everyone. My most memorable is bereavement, it’s when a child has passed away and connects with the parent. Bringing two spirits back together is one of the best feelings I have had.
What are you doing in your life and career now?
I own a wellness and retreat company in Dubai where I have spent a great deal of my time over recent years. My future plans include hosting retreats at Ballingdon Hall Home (ballingdonhall.co.uk) in Suffolk which is a new retreat in a beautiful Tudor house and grounds which is owned by my friends, Lesley Reynolds and Dr. Aamer Khan. I plan on shortly doing a stage tour throughout the UK and am renewing links with my spiritual friends back in the UK.