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New Charity Links the Theatre of War to the Medical Theatre


Founders of Harley Street Skin harleystreetskinclinic – Lesley Reynolds and Dr Aamer Khan, whose new charity Back on Track – designed to help British troops as they return home from war with serious injuries and disfiguring scarring to the skin, will kick start their annual activity with SHAMROCKS AND DRAGONS – a celebrity Gala Dinner on Thursday 20th April attended by a host of celebrities including Andrea McLean, Carole Malone, Claire Sweeney, Patsy Kensit and Nancy Sorrell.

Images: Harley Street Skin


 British troops are recognised as the best in the world -with the word ‘heroes’ being used in most news reports…..but even heroes get hurt. Some injuries are psychological, but more often than not limbs are lost or severely damaged, and most wounds cause extensive scarring. Many casualties are young men and women in the prime of their lives whose confidence has been damaged along with their body and they believe that they will never be able to lead normal lives again’.

Whilst better known for its cosmetic surgical and non-surgical treatments and as the go to clinic amongst celebrities, the team at the internationally acclaimed Harley Street Skin has been working for three years providing medical treatment and rehabilitation to wounded British servicemen and women.


Lesley Reynolds says, “It is our mission to rehabilitate and resettle into society, former members of the armed forces who have been wounded, physically or psychologically by providing or assisting in the provision of medical treatment (including reconstructive surgery) emotional and psychological support and facilities.”

Harley Street Skin has had some remarkable results especially in the field of scar tissue reduction and their programme of treatment and sporting events has enabled many patients to face the world again.

Dr Khan explains, “I treated a female patient who was caught in an explosion whilst on duty in Afghanistan. Covered in burns on her upper body, she lost all confidence and didn’t leave the house; that was until she came to us. Following a year of treatment, she is now living life like any other woman, even wearing strappy tops, something she never imagined would happen.”

And it’s not only skin treatment that they offer. Whilst treating the service personnel, the team at the Harley Street Skin Clinic discovered that many servicemen were passionate about racing. The thrill of hurtling around the track, competing against injured, and able-bodied drivers, boosted endorphins, did wonders for their confidence and speeded up the whole recovery process.


Double-amputee Mark Allen illuminates, “Being able to race against non-injured drivers on a totally level playing field has helped me rebuild my life. I’ve been able to focus on what I can do, not what I can’t do.” Mark had bad facial scars from an improvised explosive devise blast that took his legs. The clinic has helped him enormously and his scars have almost completely disappeared.

With no official support or funding from elsewhere, Back on Track relies on donations via the JustGiving page or monies raised from events.

For further information contact Melanie Faldo at KBA:

Notes to Editors

The first Back on Track karting race was in the summer of 2014 and it was an immediate success.  Celebrities such as Ingrid Tarrant, Lizzy Cundy, Shane Richie and many more joined in the fun. More races followed in 2015 and 2016. In the autumn of 2016 Back on Track was granted official status by the Charity Commission which meant that more money could be raised to help more servicemen and women heal their skin injuries, rebuild their confidence and keep racing.


SHAMROCKS AND DRAGONS: Gala Dinner in conjunction with the Irish Guards Benevolent Fund 20th April 2017 at Middle Temple, London

BACK ON TRACK RACING: Karting at Daytona in Sandown, Surrey 23rd September 2017

RUMBLE IN THE CITY: Boxing in Central London in conjunction with the Irish Guards Benevolent Fund 12th October 2017

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