January 23, 2024THE EARTH The Earth that dwells within us, Its folds and cracks, fertile sediments, veins, and endless interlaces. The...
23-year-old Becky, an experienced make-up artist, was one of only ten lucky beauty therapists hand-picked by national giant HD Brows to learn the new treatment ahead of their nationwide launch.
The super-alert team at HD had been following the nation’s top brow specialists and it was Becky who stood out time and again for her natural expertise and flair.
As a result, she was invited to a VIP session at the HD HQ, and offered a place on the very first training course along with nine other candidates.
This brand-new technique is rapidly taking over from microblading as the must-have brow definition treatment favoured by celebrities.
The salon technique involves using a gentle chemical treatment to straighten and tame brow hair, enabling it to be coaxed into the most flattering shapes to achieve optimum definition.
Jen expressed her pride in Becky’s achievement, saying: “We are so excited that 81 Rose Garden can now offer this brand-new treatment that has taken the nation by storm.
“Becky is one member of our very talented team of young professionals pioneering the latest trends in the beauty industry.”
Becky is now offering HD Brow Sculpt & Lamination at 81 Rose Garden. “I was honoured to have been selected by one of the biggest names in the beauty business, and I can now bring this amazing service to clients at 81 Rose Garden,” she said.
THE EARTH The Earth that dwells within us, Its folds and cracks, fertile sediments, veins, and endless interlaces. The...
As the memories of Top Marques 2016 still hold strong in the minds of those who attended, it is with great pleasure that...
When it comes to anti-ageing the one ingredient that deserves the title elixir of youth is collagen. This gloriously...